Seeing Red
by Cheryl Bowman
Buy the Original Painting
24.000 x 30.000 x 1.000 inches
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Seeing Red
Cheryl Bowman
Painting - Oil On Canvas
The rhinos stood right next to us just through the bushes. Four of us excitedly begged our driver to move forward--no move backward--no move forward. That great camera shot waited just beyond the bushes. The agitation and quick movements irritated the rhinos. We moved one too many times. As I held steadfastly to my camera, I swear the viewfinder revealed the hot " RED" anger charging forward. I dropped my camera and hoisted my friend back into the jeep just as our attacker rammed us. We had pushed the seemingly awkward and docile creature beyond his patience. We sped away to safety. I will never forget the fear, excitement, and sheer pleasure of this experience.
June 9th, 2015
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