Dinner Is Served

by Cheryl Bowman
Buy the Original Painting
16.000 x 16.000 x 1.500 inches
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Dinner Is Served
Cheryl Bowman
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Dinner Is Served
The Atlantic puffin is often nicknamed “Sea Parrot” because of its large parrot like beak which changes color during the year. These little carnivores can hold several small fish at one time and can be seen with a mouthful. Even though a puffin has a cruising altitude of 30 feet, he is still considered a poor flier. Most of their lives are spent out at sea floating when not swimming. On land these birds chatter loudly, and on the sea they float silently.
Puffins come to land only to breed. They choose one mate for life lasting sometimes 20 years together. They lay only one egg each breeding season and raise a single chick. Instead of nests, they dig hole more than 3 feet deep. 60% of puffins breed in summer in Iceland.
Height: 12” tip of beak to tail Stand: 8” tall
Weight: 1.5 lbs
Population: Declining but not endangered
Trend: Warming ocean temperature, fish population decline, fledgling death
February 13th, 2019
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