I've Got The Blues

by Cheryl Bowman
Buy the Original Painting
20.000 x 24.000 x 1.000 inches
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I've Got The Blues
Cheryl Bowman
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Although I have never been lucky enough to see the tigers in the wild, zoos have been a great source of pleasure for viewing the elegant tigers. This particular young tiger seemed slightly lethargic and a bit under the weather when I saw him. I couldn't decide if his expression showed fear or sadness. As I watched him for a while, I decided that just like humans, I think that animals can just have a bad day like anyone else. Maybe someone got that great bite of food that he wanted, or maybe someone got his favorite toy, or maybe someone else took his favorite spot. Whatever bothered this little guy, he definitely had the "BLUES".
June 9th, 2015
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