Scarlet Elegance
by Cheryl Bowman
Original - Not For Sale
20.000 x 20.000 x 1.500 inches
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Scarlet Elegance
Cheryl Bowman
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Scarlet Elegance
The Scarlet Macaw sports the primary colors of red, yellow, and blue in the most elegant way. They reside in the rain forests in elevations of 1000-3000 feet in Central and South America. These spectacular beauties live in pairs, family groups, and individual flocks of 30. In the wild a typical lifespan runs 40-50 years in comparison of life in captivity spanning 75 years.
The Maya regarded the macaw as a symbol of fire and solar energy because of the scarlet red feathers.
The Bororo Indians believe in a complex cycle of transmigration of souls during which they are temporarily reincarnated as macaws.
Height: 33” beak to tail
Weight: 2.2 lbs
Population: Declining
Trend: Vulnerable due to loss of habitat and pet trade
February 13th, 2019